Aaaaah Photoshop is driving me crazy !! µ%µ£¨µ%§ !!!
in an awful dilemna. should I make this white dress for people with windlight, normal without fullbright or..
wow I just figure out what numbah 112 113 or 114 means !! I thought it was a word in african language or so... well I pronounced that noumba
I wonder how is considered SL in other countries. Here when you say you are on SL, you receive one of these three reactions :
I have no idea of what to make for the "independance day hunt". I need a new brain... hurry hurry right now !!
I've finaly made a blog for Prelude. Good thing done !
a fan that works and makes wind and not just noise !
why most of the shops give so bad freebies. Do they really think that giving a shit will make people want to see what they sell ?
if he will make gloves or not with this outfit..