12Friends 18Fans
female Des Moines, IA, United States
Currently in the process of refining a new comic plot. Panther3751 is the pun beta to make sure I don't kill anyone with a lethal amount of puns. So far... I haven't. ::EVIL GRIN!::

Also... D&D quotes!
Kitbot says
15 years ago 4
the cats just sneezed in their bin of food, as if to say "Hey! I germed all of it, now I have dibs on ALL of the kibbles."
Kitbot is
15 years ago 4
appalled it's snowing this early in the year. WTF IOWA.
Kitbot is
15 years ago 3
watching the cat attack the carpet... WTF cats... W. T. F.
15 years ago 5
can has employment!
Kitbot is
15 years ago
waiting for a call.
15 years ago 10
forgot to plurk yesterday. GAH! SPAM SPAM SPAM
Kitbot needs
15 years ago
to go nuts and clean today. Cleaning powers... activate?
Kitbot has
15 years ago 7
just one thing to say: Zomg Tiny paws on the kitty!
Kitbot is
15 years ago 8
showered. Ah. The ick of filth is gone!
Kitbot says
15 years ago 5
D&D Tiems now..