22Friends 66Fans
male Stirling, Great Britain (UK)
We provide PVC and ABS pipes. ABS and PVC are two types of pipes which are used by plumbers for various plumbing chores. Both pipes are made from plastic, we are offering high quality ABS pipes with lowest price for sale.
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
Pipeshop 推荐
10 years ago
PVC Pipe
Pvc or polyvinyl chloride is an inconceivably common plastic primarily in construction and as pipe in water distribution system.
Pipeshop 喜欢
10 years ago
PVC Pipe Plastic pipe is used for drinking water, heating fluids and gases and vacuum system application.
Pipeshop 推荐
10 years ago
Pipeshop 推荐
10 years ago
Pipeshop 推荐
10 years ago
Pipeshop 推荐
10 years ago