Pilz - Andariel
159Friends 213Fans
male Boystown, SecondLife, United States
Oh dear diary, I met a boy
He made my dull heart light up with joy
Oh dear diary, we fell apart
Welcome to the life of Electra Heart
Pilz - Andariel
9 years ago 11
Greetings. I am back. And not Pilz. Suck a dick.
Pilz - Andariel
9 years ago 2
I have finished all of Dragon Age III. I am sad
Pilz - Andariel
9 years ago 3
Anyone know who is hosting We <3 RP?
Pilz - Andariel
9 years ago 1
Anyone know places I can buy wigs and contacts iRL? I need to get my cosplay on.
Pilz - Andariel
9 years ago 4
So my new boss says she needs to make a quick flyer for a tradeshow. She then precedes to open up PowerPoint and starts making a flyer.
Pilz - Andariel
9 years ago 4
There is nothing I love more than canceling plans with friends.
Pilz - Andariel
9 years ago
Yaaas Coco Peru! Coco Goes To Home Depot
Pilz - Andariel
9 years ago 5
What was the SL Marketplace before. I know it was called xstreet or something, but was it called anything before that?
Pilz - Andariel
9 years ago 3
First day of work after college. I'm pretty thrilled, I'm finally an adult. It only took me 28 years.