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female Indonesia
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Pieth says
15 years ago
put on your "Happy Face" today.. so you wont be exposed!
Pieth says
15 years ago
Happy Ramadhan everyone...
Pieth feels
15 years ago
sleepy but want to write something...
Pieth says
15 years ago
Happy saur everyone... (:
Pieth says
15 years ago
i say yes... to the new me.. hahaha.. *evil laugh*
Pieth says
15 years ago
gigiku sakit lagiii... *cuek*
Pieth feels
15 years ago
Happy (dance) La La La...
Pieth needs
15 years ago
to go out! need inspiratioooon...
Pieth feels
15 years ago
happy to wake up in the morning with the toothache! (music)
Pieth feels
15 years ago
damn sick!!