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female Indonesia
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Pieth feels
15 years ago
sleepy but this toothache makes me awake!
Pieth says
15 years ago
I better not know you... :-)
Pieth wants
15 years ago
to eat chocolate cake, stroberi cake, ice cream, cookies, candies, mango mousse, and everything sweets!!
Pieth says
15 years ago
duh ni gigi berdenyat denyut trus.. ngalahin denyut jantung.. :'-(
Pieth says
15 years ago 1
you even lie at the last time?? OH,, its SO YOU!!!! X-(
15 years ago
Let me feel this pain a little bit longer... so I could feel love a little bit more next time.. ;-)
Pieth says
15 years ago
My life is a complete failure! When I tried and failed, I try to fail better :|
Pieth says
15 years ago
day two! i failed again. (tears)
Pieth says
15 years ago
today is day one! one day at a time,rite?!
15 years ago
lagi sakit gigi gara2 ice cream :-(