Miss Phire
170Friends 57Fans
female Home, state of confusion , United States
Hi there! There isn't much for me to say.

Sometimes I take pictures of myself and write silly stories to go with them. You can see them if you click on that link down there. Go on you know you wanna touch it.
blog: https://stylegenesissl.blogspot.co/...
Miss Phire says
5 years ago
My northern babies are complaining that it's only 56 out today. Meanwhile where we used to live is 22 degrees. They have been southern-ified.
Miss Phire says
5 years ago 2
I have felt fairly "normal" this weekend and was able to get some stuff done that I have been putting off. It felt so good.
Miss Phire says
5 years ago 1
I haven't really missed chocolate until today. My mother-in-law decided to send a box of gourmet cookies, and they are taunting me.
Miss Phire asks
5 years ago 2
Who turned off the heat? It's chilly here today. Oh and Good Morning everyone.
Miss Phire
5 years ago 2
Made some apple cinnamon protein waffles from scratch today. They tasted like an apple pie, all the guinea pigs (my kids & the mister) all said they were a repeatable offense. This makes me happy.
Miss Phire
5 years ago 6
At the DMV because the doctors agreed I need another temporary handicap permit. So much for the “it will take 5 minutes” line I was fed.
Miss Phire asks
5 years ago
did you ever notice at the end of Edward Scissorhands that all the adults just wandered the fuck away even though there was a dead teenager laying there? I mean he was a douche and all, but seriously?!?
Miss Phire
5 years ago 2
https://images.plurk.com/6e5gIhJHEQ2jajy34yuyzQ.jpg Two fluffy lumps keeping me company today. Joint pain is making me a bed bum today.
Miss Phire
5 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/71ods3qBj55bMctQho9p86.jpg A certain child of mine has been really helpful since my body started being an asshole. Those boots (Dr. Martens) are her “reward” from her dad for being helpful. She has that man wrapped around her finger.
Miss Phire asks
5 years ago 15
What is your favorite vegetarian dish. To help with the inflammation the doctor gave me a list of foods to avoid (red meat, chicken, turkey, shellfish) and citrus. So any recipes you like I would love to know.