Phil Metalhead
9Friends 19Fans
male Hina, Second life
In a slightly strange but incredibly wonderful online/RL relationship :-)
Phil Metalhead says
15 years ago
the keynote is running late... again :-P
Phil Metalhead
15 years ago
KEYNOTE: Phillip says we are settlers in a digital prarie that will one day become New York City
Phil Metalhead is
15 years ago
at Armi's workshop/panel about blogging now :-)
Phil Metalhead thinks
15 years ago 1
Prokofy strikes him as the SL equivalent of Rush Limbaugh... except without the disclaimer that he is just providing entertainment...
Phil Metalhead is
15 years ago 1
enjoying a chicken italiano sandwich for lunch, courtesy of SLCC. Complete with pasta salad, fruit, brownie, & Ghirardelli mint chocolate!
Phil Metalhead hates
15 years ago
Phil Metalhead
15 years ago 4
had it out (albeit rather politely) with a Mac fanatic at work a little bit ago :-P
Phil Metalhead loves
15 years ago
his new phone. The Palm Pre is TEH BEST FONE EVARS!!!11!!one!!1!eleven
Phil Metalhead is
15 years ago
going to have someone's head on a stick if he doesn't get his Palm Pre tomorrow >8(