12Friends 6Fans
male Bellevue, WA, United States
Bark, bark!

Favorite movie, Cats and Dogs.
Peyton_dog loves
16 years ago 5
the snow and thinks more needz to fallz.
16 years ago 11
had a very traumatic day. :'-(
Peyton_dog loves
16 years ago 1
when guests stay over cause i get to sleep in the same room as my humans.
Peyton_dog says
16 years ago 6
someone forgot to take me outside before work today. I won't name names...
Peyton_dog asks
16 years ago 1
why he keeps getting put to bed so late only to get up in the dark?
Peyton_dog hates
16 years ago 4
that there is an evil blanket blocking me from the couch.
Peyton_dog wonders
16 years ago 7
what to do today, lay on my pillow or sneak onto the couch?
Peyton_dog says
16 years ago 8
I am assembling my team for operation sammich.
Peyton_dog wonders
16 years ago 1
where all the people who feed me went...
Peyton_dog asks
16 years ago 7
What's got 4 paws and loves snacks?