67Friends 26Fans
female Ragunan, Indonesia
an eclectic worshipper, a bag fetish. actually loves underground music, but for now it's time for some korean :-) meet me at my blog! and twitter!
pechakucha! says
15 years ago
gue mau ke bawah dulu yaa makan2 sm keluarga, happy birthday mamak! (dance) (dance) (dance)
pechakucha! shares
15 years ago
Gee & Sorry Sorry by Korean Military {tomozuki1} gee and sorry2
pechakucha! says
15 years ago 4
yeeeaaahh omegle dpt org korea!
pechakucha! says
15 years ago
maaf yaaaa kawan2 gue ga ikut convoi :-(
pechakucha! says
15 years ago
yaoloh brother, neomu neomu yeppeoooooo~~
pechakucha! says
15 years ago 3
(wave) gawat nih blm tidur smp skrg hahahah, smg bsk lbh baik lg dr hr ini amiiiin
pechakucha! says
15 years ago
mianhae unnie :'-(
pechakucha! shares
15 years ago
MV 놀아죠 NORAZO IRG plesetannya wonder girls' nobody hahahah
pechakucha! says
15 years ago 4
smg org jepang yg kenalan di omegle cakep deh... :-P
pechakucha! says
15 years ago
neomu neomu yeppeo~