7Friends 6Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
Stylish and a little sassy, I was meant for Paris. The art. the fashion, the wine, the men! Whether I am enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park... I'll love living in the most chic place on earth. My flight seems non-stop. All the boarding cards
Carol.P shares
11 years ago
痞客邦的新相簿 網誌用相片-2012: R0038534
Carol.P shares
11 years ago
痞客邦的新文章 婚禮明信片婚禮明信片
Carol.P shares
11 years ago
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
痞客邦的新相簿 網誌用相片-2012: R0038524
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
痞客邦的新文章 礁溪老爺遊記礁溪老爺遊記
Carol.P shares
11 years ago
痞客邦的新相簿 苗栗泰安之旅: R0038368
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11 years ago
Carol.P shares
11 years ago
痞客邦的新相簿 網誌用相片-2012: DSC00209