4Friends 3Fans
male Denver, CO, United States
15 years ago
doesn't WANT to go to his 7:30 algebra class...... Fuck my life!
15 years ago
Stupid woman! What part of " I don't have any money for you to take" do you not understand? NOW LET ME SEE MY KIDS!
Orin_Lockheart is
15 years ago
Back in the 303. Lets get drunk before school starts again!
15 years ago
gets to see his Nancyness inm only a few LONG hours. I misses her so much more then she could ever miss me :-P
Orin_Lockheart is
15 years ago
tired of bs,lies,and or excuses. just let me talk to my babies or answer and tell me to quite trying.Either way stop dicking me around!
Orin_Lockheart is
15 years ago
in seriuose need of some smooching and mooshing and such.
Orin_Lockheart is
15 years ago
looking for a good drunk tonight... don't disapoint people!
Orin_Lockheart is
15 years ago 2
looking forward to a good molesting... and a kiss to :-D
Orin_Lockheart wonders
15 years ago
why, after being told they would answer the phone, he STILL hasn't gotten to speak to his babies X-(
15 years ago 1
DAMN it's bright outside today.