1Friends 214Fans
male Miami, FL, United States
Orical shares
12 years ago
Oh MSNBC... Get your copy editor some coffee.. I'm sure it was meant to say "heart implant"… pk.gd/AUl0
Orical shares
12 years ago
SXSW the only place you'll find hundreds of hipsters swaying to hard core rap pk.gd/AtvU
Orical shares
12 years ago
Lone Star pk.gd/Att5
Orical shares
12 years ago
So random, but I can def use the battery life.. pk.gd/AtS4
Orical shares
12 years ago
All your based belong to us. #GhostLand #SXSW pk.gd/Atq8
Orical shares
12 years ago
Aside from networking with my peers, live music is why I <3 #SXSW pk.gd/Atq1
Orical shares
12 years ago
The photo says it all.. pk.gd/AtP2
Orical shares
12 years ago
New spot in the grove GooseBar pk.gd/ATzy
Orical shares
12 years ago
SuperConf after party sponsored by github pk.gd/ATv6
Orical shares
12 years ago
Startup America Regional meeting tscottcase opening remarks pk.gd/ATSK