Open World
64Friends 21Fans
male Hutchinson, KS, United States
We're hoping to open the world to students across the globe! Help us reach our goal of bringing them a new school building by visiting and supporting us at:
Open World
13 years ago 1
Today's goal-We're aiming to have 20 likes on our latest facebook status by the end of today, can you help us reach our goal?
Open World
13 years ago
Good morning, all! Be on the look out for our daily goal, but remember that it's never too late to share us with a friend. Have a great day!
Open World
13 years ago
We uploaded a video featuring the students of the Sav School! The moment in the school can be found here->
Open World
13 years ago 2
Today's Goal- We would love it if all of our followers would enlighten at least one person about our mission!
Open World
13 years ago
Check out our daily goal! We'd love to get to 190 twitter followers by the end of the day! Help us out!
Open World
13 years ago
Good morning, all! It's a new day and that means a new goal will be set! Check our Facebook and catch our afternoon reminder later today!
Open World
13 years ago 1
Goodnight, all. Remember to check out our pictures of the SAV School and the rural area on Facebook!
Open World
13 years ago
Remember our daily goal! We're trying to raise $50 today. Please head over to www.ouropenworldproject.... to help out!
Open World
13 years ago
Good morning, everyone! Hope you all get off to a great start today. Share our mission with someone today!
Open World
13 years ago 4
Because of the ISTE conference and the generous people that surround our community, we are now at $4,900 raised! Thank you, everyone!