15Friends 3Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
Yeah I'm just that crazy kid, doing stuff you wish you did. ThirtyFourSHS'15. Follow me at
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nisamrkfee says
12 years ago
N: "chatting with someone important.". G : "who is it? not that I mind." N : "is it wrong if I say it's you?"
nisamrkfee says
12 years ago
Never thought I'd be so inspired. That is until the moment I found you
nisamrkfee says
12 years ago
I really love you. Please believe me when I say that, I never been more truthful in my life about something.
nisamrkfee says
12 years ago
yeahhh. gotta go byee ;-)
nisamrkfee says
12 years ago
okay just opened my plurk again :" it's been one hell of a week in senior high school :'-(
nisamrkfee says
13 years ago
out. Peace
nisamrkfee says
13 years ago
my karma still zero :-(
nisamrkfee says
13 years ago
I'm getting bored if my karma doesn't raise!
nisamrkfee says
13 years ago
why won't my karma go up? aarrgghh X-(
nisamrkfee says
13 years ago
follow me on Tumblr beyondcountingstars.tumb...