Oh,No.Not Her
97Friends 41Fans
female Blackman, TN, United States
Not dead. Just dead tired.
Oh,No.Not Her
1 months ago 4
Himself asked about a case we're storing for Mama. I told him it was her keyboard. He said it was awfully big for a laptop case. I had to remind him that musical keyboards exist.
Oh,No.Not Her
1 months ago 1
Getting really tired of medical supply delivery being so unreasonable on scheduling then not showing up in the window.
Oh,No.Not Her
1 months ago 11
Today we attempt to renew Himself's driver's license, which expired two weeks ago.
Oh,No.Not Her
1 months ago 5
lost my way for a bit
Oh,No.Not Her
7 years ago 2
Saw the trailer and I think they got someone to channel Kirby.
Oh,No.Not Her
7 years ago 1
Okay, because I think there's folks here who would appreciate it, AU where the Justice League forms like usual,...
Oh,No.Not Her
8 years ago 2
I'm waiting for the first sign of spring here - the Girl Scout Cookie Booths start popping up.
Oh,No.Not Her
8 years ago 3
BANCUOTFPMAIITAYNMTS. So done with the holidays. Annoyed that the Easter things are out in stores already, and not a bit of the Carnivale season stuff.