Amanda | Dream
142Friends 24Fans
female SL, United States
Lil Me: Nostalgiadream
Big Me: Scout Steampunk
Partner in Crime - Kyler | DJ
Kiddos - Lyra and Emily
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
Shop Hop has 3 blogger openings this round for June! If you would like to join the team please apply using the link below. (We'd love to find a boy blogger too!) Applications close May 24th! Make sure to read the requirements to see if you'll be a good fit for this event. :-) Shop Hop Blogger Application
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago 5 @Edit 7 years ago
=ADOPTABLE= 3yr old twins seeking a loving family. Please read our letter if interested or share! Thank you <3 Dream & Kylers Adoption Letter - Google Docs
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
Shop Hop opens in less than ten minutes! You can check out the item previews here:
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago 3
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago 1
I put together a kid community calender to keep track of any kid shopping events, school, camps & other family friendly activities! If you have an event that you would like to be listed on the calendar please contact me.

Bookmark this link & share it so you always know what is going on :-) SL Kid Events Calendar
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
The Shop Hop event is currently looking to add 1 new kid blogger to our team (Possibly 2 if we find a great boy blogger as well!) If you are interested please apply. Applications close Monday April 17th! Shop Hop Blogger Application
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
Shop Hop May Designer Applications are Open! Applications close April 8th at 11:59pm. Shop Hop Designer Application - May Round
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
Shop Hop is looking for bloggers! Apply here: Shop Hop Blogger Application Applications close the 20th.
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
Today is the last day to apply to be a Designer for Shop Hop's April round! If you are interested in joining this event, please submit your application asap. We will be announcing our selection on Saturday March 11th so keep an eye out :-D Application Link: Shop Hop Designer Application - April Round
Amanda | Dream says
7 years ago
Shop Hop is accepting Designer applications for the upcoming April round! Please apply no later than March 10th if you are interested! Application Link: Shop Hop Designer Application - April Round