79Friends 25Fans
female Naga, Philippines
I love myself.

Tata says
15 years ago
i love you me i them they our us him her his it hers
Tata says
15 years ago 3
hmmm.naturalist+intra+kinesthetic=solong nagbabayle s meteor garden...(-_-)
Tata says
15 years ago 12
Tata says
15 years ago
hello everyone...am back
Tata says
15 years ago 2
je suis desole..
Tata says
15 years ago 7
There's this kid who cleaned the whole house. Then, his mom goes down and scolds him for throwing her very expensive toothbrush.Who's right?
Tata says
15 years ago 1
I'm in love with my own sins :-D
Tata says
15 years ago 1
new theory: doing something good is f*cking bad.
Tata says
15 years ago 11
Is Adam Lambert really gay?
Tata says
15 years ago 12
dapat mag para plurk na akooo! super baba n ng karma koooO!!! musta na kayooOOO???? XD