15Friends 19Fans
male Abuja, Nigeria
The world is good. Let's make it better!
Birthday: December 25.
Ogidi was
13 years ago 5
unable to vote in the Nigerian senate elections. Ballot papers had to be printed abroad and arrived too late for the ballot. Postponed till
Ogidi shares
13 years ago 4
FRANK SINATRA - Loves been good to me - 1969 Used to play this a lot in many a year gone by. Still evokes strong memories of my heart aching (woot)
Ogidi says
13 years ago 3
With the Law of Karma working so well, only cheats seek a 'good' God who will protect them from just retribution. The hard worker always...
Ogidi says
13 years ago 4
Trading isn't the easiest way of making money. Competition always ensures that margins remain low. and heavy volumes are not sustainable..
Ogidi shares
13 years ago 6
Nigeria is getting ready for general elections in about a week. O happy day! :-)
14 years ago 7
Never thought it is possible to miss someone so badly :-(
14 years ago 1
Cashewnuts + red wine = (sleeping) Goodnight!
Ogidi shares
14 years ago 3
Rex Lawson - Jolly Papa (dance) Enjoy your weekend!
14 years ago
'Though we never thought that we could lose, there's no regret. If I had to do the same again, I would, my friend Fernando'~ Abba song.
14 years ago
Listening to Abba's Chiquitita on You Tube (music) Good night!