205Friends 32Fans
male Penang, Malaysia
Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Den living in Penang. If you want to make sincere friendships with me, I'll be glad to. Have a nice day! Take care!
Den has
10 years ago
taken lunch.
Den says
10 years ago
Morning no place to park at Gurney drive..sigh!
Den hopes
10 years ago
to achieve a sales for HTC phones today.. (annoyed)
Den asks
10 years ago
everyone taken breakfast? I had mine..
Den wishes
10 years ago
Good morning folks!
Den will
10 years ago
have dinner now (hungry)
Den says
10 years ago
no sales for me again today..haiz
Den feels
10 years ago
rest assured after fill petrol and gas for the car. Still need to bring the car for a wash on Monday.
Den wishes
10 years ago
Good evening. I just reached home.
Den hopes
10 years ago
today have some sales on HTC phones. Please visit Gurney Plaza. Thank you. :-D