268Friends 8Fans
male Second Life, United Kingdom
Scripter for Unrepentant and Constraint
Freelance SL script consultant and creator
'Sir Evil Bastard'
9 years ago 41
To date my hunt for a reasonably priced sim to buy has been unfruitful. Bad time of year perhaps. So a quick re-request. If anyone has or knows someone who might be looking to offload one please get in contact!
9 years ago 9
So here's something I never thought I'd say. I need a sim. Yes yes, done being shocked? Good. If anyone is or knows someone who is looking to offload a full unconnected region, please nudge me. Thanks!
9 years ago 7
Ugh, here I was thinking I was finally immune to all the diseases that are going round...and someone goes and gives me a sore throat and stuffy nose. Do not want!
9 years ago 10
How did I miss this AGAIN? Putting it here so I remember to check before it finishes. Probably NSFW, not even gonna check until I get home. Indulgence BDSM and Kink Fair is backy
9 years ago 24
So I might have maybe kinda broked my phone. I'm trying to figure out what to get to replace it. I don't use it often so getting a super new thing is pointless. At the moment I am thinking the LG G3 looks good.
9 years ago 2
Hey plurk peeps, just wanted to say y'all are awesome for remembering to NSFW tag your posts and not getting me fired for unexpected (if much enjoyed) boobs. Thank you.
9 years ago 28
Originally plurked by a friend who is private but I feel it needs to be shared and understood because so many are still stuck in situations involving it: Identifying Emotional Abuse before it Happens.
9 years ago
Well this is interesting: Humble Monthly. I'm sort of curious and tempted. They have good connections with big developers but when am I going to play any of them
9 years ago 6
So..You won't hear me Ever complain about adult content on Plurk or anywhere else - But, as many of us check it at work with others around can y'all Please remember NSFW warnings on yer tits'n'bits. Thank you!