Nicole 爱
35Friends 28Fans
female Singapore
♥ Nicole luvluv Spencer baby :-D
Im one of a kind.

My daily ranting.
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Nicole 爱 says
14 years ago
ok bye, i'm not gonna spam plurk anymore :-D
Nicole 爱 is
14 years ago
a bitch, she like to gossip about people, hmm, ya, i like to gossip about you cos you dk how much i hate you.
Nicole 爱 says
14 years ago
hmm, don't understand why people wana por you when you used to be such plk. Sadly to say, without your boyf, you're nothing.
Nicole 爱 says
14 years ago
ya, i'm jealous cos your bf is kinda rich unlike mine, but my bf don't beat me like how yours do, BITCH!
Nicole 爱 says
14 years ago
cannot tahan you la, keep haolian your bf, hmm, i should haolian about my bf too :> Idiot la. Im jealous, whatever ~
Nicole 爱 says
14 years ago 3
i really don't understand why a bitch like you have such a good bf and stop haolian-ing! Argh.
Nicole 爱 says
14 years ago
sorry if i'm spamming plurk but i wana come here to rant about a bitch, hm, maybe i'm just jealous of her ._.
Nicole 爱 says
14 years ago
I'm spamming plurk, hehe, shall go online to see how to cook things, cos i'm like fucking hungry can, no maggie mee at home alr.
Nicole 爱 says
14 years ago
If i continue eating, i will become a fat girl and no one will wants me! Hehe. I want swensen la baby! I wana eat baked rice.
Nicole 爱 says
14 years ago
I feel like eating sakae sushi, mos burger and mac breakfast. I always force baby to bring me to eat whenever he's rich :>