Miss. 妮可
24Friends 11Fans
female Toronto, ON, Canada
I am Me.
Miss. 妮可
13 years ago
Just hate being home alone. This is when i started to think of how lonely I am.
Miss. 妮可
13 years ago
my fault.
Miss. 妮可
13 years ago
Miss. 妮可
13 years ago 1
Miss. 妮可
13 years ago 1
是我想太多 妳總這樣說 但妳卻沒有 真的心疼我 是我想太多 我也這樣說 這是唯一能 安慰我的理由 我想我沒有 錯怪了什麼 雖然妳不說 或許錯在我 太晚我才懂 愛了妳太多
Miss. 妮可
13 years ago
what should i say.. am i thinking too much or its u who's thinking too less
Miss. 妮可 says
13 years ago
從來都沒有了解過你在想什麼 唯獨我一個人的天馬行空 我迷失了 我好無助 你懂嗎
Miss. 妮可
13 years ago
“The shortest word I know is I. The sweetest word I know is Love. And the one I will never forget is You.”
Miss. 妮可
13 years ago
“The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.”
Miss. 妮可
13 years ago
“True love is not 2 souls coming together, but it’s one soul finding its other half.”