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female Bangar, Philippines
12 years ago
girls know how to fake their smile. Guys know how to fake their feelings.
12 years ago
B4 u judge someones life, walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when u piss them off w/ ur comments, u're a mile away and u have their shoes.
dhinz05 is
12 years ago
grateful for all of my blessings.. Thank u Lord! :-)
13 years ago
Today's specials are: Lack of sleep, woke up early, and low on patience.
13 years ago
chicken nuggets, chicken balls and fish balls for merienda.. yummy! :-)
13 years ago
Good Morning Everyone.I believe we all have at least 1 reason to make us smile.so let's smile and enjoy life.Have a nice day everyone. :-)
dhinz05 says
13 years ago
Don't live in the past just remember it.. Don't live in the future just dream it.. But live in the present and enjoy it :-)
dhinz05 is
13 years ago
done transcribing and printing transcripts.. REST, REST, REST....have to be ready on Monday for a duty.
dhinz05 says
13 years ago
Don't expect anything in Life, Expectations hurt a lot, When you don't expect every moment is a surprise and Surprises bring happiness. :-)
dhinz05 says
13 years ago
Your enemies are your greatest teachers. They test you on forgiveness, strength, compassion, and faith in yourself.