Sweet Caroline
13Friends 4Fans
Long Beach, CA, United States
I play Mrs. Incredible and Cyborg on OmegaFriends!
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 13
A bit disappointed that no one has done anything for the personality skew plot.
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 7
And the Personality Skew Plot begins!
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 31
REMINDER. Tomorrow I'm kicking off the personality shift plot.
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 37
So, I was just accused of not being black by some random internet person.
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 56
Hey, anyone interested in an alignment swap plot? UPDATE: Plotting post here
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 31
What aspects annoy you the most in your favorite canons?
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 7
DWRP question
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 36
I think the Titans should hold auditions. UPDATE: So we are. Do itttt.
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 1
Cyborg and Elastigirl at that heart thing.
Sweet Caroline
10 years ago 8
Anyone else just really like listening to certain accents?