103Friends 120Fans
male Brunei Darussalam
In the end, these things matter most:
How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?
NemesisPrime says
10 years ago 6
Good morning
NemesisPrime says
10 years ago 2
NemesisPrime says
10 years ago 4
NemesisPrime says
10 years ago 2
I am going to sleep now
NemesisPrime says
10 years ago 3
Good morning
NemesisPrime says
10 years ago
I am wondering why I am feeling inspirational the whole day....
NemesisPrime says
10 years ago 2
it is the weekend.
NemesisPrime says
10 years ago
祝你馬年財運享通,馬到功成。 恭喜,恭喜。
NemesisPrime says
10 years ago 3
It is an awesome Day !!!