194Friends 5Fans
male Redacted, WI, United States
Games: Tributary

Thais Gavras
Kisame Hoshigaki
2 years ago 29
[Cats] Bunny has been adopted! New foster needs a new name because her current name is Lickor. That's not even a word :/ but she's cute: https://images.plurk.com/7H7TT66ZgrE9YgxHvVlWlt.jpg
2 years ago 21
[RL] [health?] So I finally qualified to have an aid come to help out with the chores I have so much trouble doing anymore. And oof...
2 years ago 36 @Edit 2 years ago
I...may have gone overboard with trying to account for every possible variable in the strategy write-up for Thace vs Jean. I am a little sorry, mods
2 years ago 30
-adjacent. So I am running a Wildmount campaign set ~20 years after C2 every other Sunday at 5pm central (this upcoming Sunday is an on week). We're looking to add some players to the party! New PCs will lv 5.
2 years ago 9
I hate my new phone. It was the smallest android model they had and it's both wider than my palm and an inch longer than my hand from heel to fingertips. Max stretch I can barely touch the corners with thumb and pinky. When will phones be small again?
2 years ago 46
Musing about matching pokemon to Lupa's naming theme. (after 'demons' found in SMT) Like which Pokemon would be the most Tiamat of Pokemon? and so on.
2 years ago 29
looking at the tournament and orz, Thace is gonna feel so bad if he wins his first match.
2 years ago 14
[medical/weight/diabetes/food] So plurk, I'm wondering if I need to call BS on the company that's doing my meal delivery. Or if my doctor is having unfair expectations. (further explanation inside)
2 years ago 27
[Foster kitty] Pawsta got adopted yay! So new kitty in the house. Meet Bunny. https://images.plurk.com/5edFMJboEAGZosDIIaGopX.jpg
2 years ago 27
Pawsta got stood up by a potential adopter today. Everyone please tell her she's pretty. https://images.plurk.com/slS7U39aujc5MsdvNMGik.jpg