Sir Nando
9Friends 8Fans
male Long Beach, CA, United States
reader - watcher - likes the idea of things more than the actual things - changer of my subatomic life - writer - lover - finder of lost articles -
Blur - The Universal
Sir Nando says
14 years ago
Im turned up to 11.
Sir Nando says
14 years ago
My new American Apparel add is up!
Sir Nando says
14 years ago
How did someone turn blood thirsty monsters into spakely lovers without the help of disney?
Sir Nando says
14 years ago
New Fleet foxes brings me up and down at the same time.
Sir Nando says
14 years ago
Pho steam works wonders.
Sir Nando says
14 years ago
Waterpolo has us up early..
Sir Nando says
14 years ago
The sun looks me right in the eyes on the 405.
Sir Nando says
14 years ago
I found my phone!
Sir Nando says
14 years ago 1
I cant find my car in this huge parking structure
Sir Nando says
14 years ago 1
I won another card game with the kid. I have to throw the next one. :-)