90Friends 122Fans
female Seventh Eye, Second life
Hi! I'm a puppy from Seventh Eye, Satori, Second Life. I am the owner of Ye Olde Terrier's Inn, a pub where friends can gather for good music and dancing.

...Dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! - Dr. Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters
Nakala asks
4 years ago 6 @Edit 4 years ago
WTactualF? Those scammy "charities" that send inner city kids around the suburbs selling over-priced candy bars are still active? In this pandemic?!?
Nakala says
4 years ago 10
Oh, the preposterousness of life in a pandemic. I could not check out a library book because my library card had expired. Okay, how do I renew? The only way to renew is to go to the library and show a photo ID. Um... no thank you? However!
Nakala says
4 years ago 3
cat.exe has stopped working. Please uninstall unauthorized add-ons. I got Archie a harness so we could spend some time o...
Nakala shares
4 years ago 3
an annual reminder.
Nakala shares
4 years ago 7
for catmccall I mentioned this one a while back. Touchy da hand-drawn decoy spider
Nakala shares
4 years ago 2
life in quarantine Living it