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female Singapore
i am everything you think i am.. and more. :-)
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NaaDodol says
15 years ago
perangai seh - - tk fhm aku.
NaaDodol asks
15 years ago 7
why are people so excited for Raya?
NaaDodol says
15 years ago
Faiqah said she likes my teeth because they're small and I was like whaaaa. xD
NaaDodol is
15 years ago
so confused.
NaaDodol has
15 years ago
no mood to go to school tomorrow.
NaaDodol says
15 years ago
i updated my private blog.
NaaDodol says
15 years ago
I still don't get why people are already listening to Raya-themed songs.
NaaDodol is
15 years ago
SO not in the mood to buka right now! - -"
15 years ago
so hates this. - -
NaaDodol is
15 years ago
counting down the minutes to Maghrib..