Raine Z
5Friends 9Fans
female Brunei Darussalam
Raine Z
9 years ago
Diorheaa since 3pm yesterday. Now i need medication huhu. Laparku
Raine Z
9 years ago
Have u ever cried to Allah Al-Rahim that you went all red & short of breath. Allah the Greatest. To You I Asked for Everything.
Raine Z
9 years ago
Insya'Allah, plan to go for Cairo this Dec 2016. With parents. Alhamdulillah. Smhow Mum mentioned of going umrah too. Breaks my heart to know that i have to pick one. Allah Knows Whats Better
Raine Z
9 years ago
Found suspected spots on her. Current arise of hfmd make me high alerts on it. Allah best planner, insya'Allah
Raine Z
9 years ago
Woke up for my alarm & Fajr prayers + Quran for Kahfi Juma'at. Looked out the windows and wondered why the sun hasnt shine yet. Checked the clock again, ohh its 530 am. Hokayy.
Raine Z
9 years ago
February 2016; Syifa able to recite Fatihah 1-3. Alhamdulillah
Raine Z
9 years ago
Its amazing when Allah sends u ayat straight and meant for you. Allah is the Greatest
Raine Z
9 years ago
'can babah cut my janggut?' Her reply: 'No! Nanti syifa nda kenal babah lagi!' Brilliant girl u are alhamdulillah
Raine Z shares
9 years ago
pix of my Halaqah today 7/2/2016. Title: Death: are we ready for it?
Raine Z
9 years ago
Alhamdulillah. My 1st Halaqah Session 2016 today. Was so grateful that 1st 15mins was pretty emotional to me.. Allah The Greatest 7/2/16