Raine Z
5Friends 9Fans
female Brunei Darussalam
Raine Z
8 years ago
May : Target Surah Al Ikhlas. Alhamdulillah, sudah boleh recite 2 ayat sendiri.
Raine Z
8 years ago
Btw as a record, syifa able to recite Fatihah, Hasbunallah, Selawat, rabbi Zidni... Tasbih tahmid tahlil.. April 2016. Alhamdulillah
Raine Z
8 years ago
At clinic for my swollen wrist. 2hrs passed by. Anther 1hour for medication. IM HUNGRY!!
Raine Z
8 years ago
Breakfast at Crome's. Eseh.
Raine Z
8 years ago
Raine Z
8 years ago
Tak senang nak ikhlas, kena byk belajar utk bersabar. March 2016
Raine Z
8 years ago
Im seriously (or was it wishing?) to have a home (or is it personal space?) on my own... Hmmm.... The form is in my hand. Allah is the Greatest Planner.
Raine Z
8 years ago
Alhamdulillah, she able to hafaz Fatihah as a whole March 2016. Subhanallah. February, she only memorise til Ayat 5. March, brought her to my school & immediately hafal all. Subhanallah.
Raine Z
8 years ago
Syifa tried to wake me up bt smhow i ididnt open my eyes she cried.i 'woke up' & asked Why?. , 'i thought ur dead!' i asked her what ia death? lying down on the bed closing her eyes, 'not waking up anymore' .
Raine Z
9 years ago
Time of the month. I miss reciting Al-Quran, i miss my Al-Mulk.