I just want to tell every one of you that I appreciate you!
Just popping in to say "HI" to all you mah'valous peeps!
peeks her nose back in after a long hiatus Hi folks! Life kind of engulfed me there for awhile. I wish you all a wonderful New Year!
So finally, Monster showed her true colors in FRONT of Aldain! She got all condescending, snooty, and sneered when introducing me Sunday.
Positive thought for the day!
I'm behind with my positive thoughts!! SOWWY here's one for 2day!
Ok now that the 'rant' is done... HERE is the positive quote for today! <3
The weekend of Dec the 15th cannot come quickly enough! I am SOOO damned tired of Monster and all of her passive aggressive, manipulative
I missed out on yesterday dern it! So instead of posting a positive thought for today, I am putting a video up instead.
Here is my positive thought for the day!