stupid EL, Pull down my L1B4.
I don't care if anyone doesn't like me. I wasn't born in this world to entertain everyone.
dear karma, sorry for neglecting you again. Please go back up.
I swear, I'm gonna make 2011 a year to remember. (Y)
8 more days to OLevel result, Pray hard that I will get good result. All the best to the rest receiving the results too. : D
watching SHINee's live concert mistakes on youtube just now. Super epic lah them, Funny ttm! C:
quitted my current job, planning to try out other job again. Interview @ Mon, Wish me luck. [:
my life routine. Wake up> Bath> Breakfast> Work> Lunch> Work> Go home> Dinner> Sleep. And it will happen the next day again. How boring. ):
yes karma, go all the way up. And please stop dropping. WithLoves; Your owner.
please stop thinking i'm your cash provider. Just because i have lots of money in my wallet, doesn't means my parents print notes. ><