90Friends 39Fans
female Cafe Wellstone, Second Life, United States
Well, in Second Life, I'm the woman your mother has a restraining order out against.

Shy, social, funny, serious, protean, steady, distant, flirty, elegant, naked, and always, always progressive :-)
MsKoro is
14 years ago
trying out shadows with this outfit pic...but doesn't think her laptop can handle it.
MsKoro is
14 years ago 5
going through hunt items, and will delete her account if she gets one more wedding dress.
MsKoro wishes
14 years ago 3
everyone a wonderful Tuesday morning as she struggles with another emDash update.
MsKoro wishes
14 years ago 5
everyone a wonderful Monday morning!
14 years ago 5
hasn't forgotten you!
MsKoro is
14 years ago 4
having a much better day today, thank you.
14 years ago 4
had an awful day at work again but is, finally, home.
14 years ago 2
just had a brutal day at work. Want to win the lottery now kthx.
MsKoro is
14 years ago
having just another manic Monday. Wish it was Sunday. That's my fun day. My I-don't-have-to-run day.
14 years ago 5
Trick or treat!