Carli Imako
2Friends 0Fans
female Horrorbag, Second Life, United States
Totally in love with and married to the most awesome guy on the face of the Earth... Corona Imako. Mommy to my amazing little babybug, Janey.
Carli Imako wonders
13 years ago 4
why someone would say they want to be your friend but then not talk to you.... but instead talk to your family
Carli Imako wonders
13 years ago 23
why you would delete your plurk to make a new one and then not invite "friends" to be on it... and if you don't want to plurk with them...
Carli Imako
13 years ago 2 my favorite part of every night (heart_beat) sleep well, plurkies!
Carli Imako
13 years ago 2
ohai plurk! sorry I've been neglecting you but I should have lots of time the next few days when I'm snowed in :/
Carli Imako
13 years ago 1
I'm a bad plurker! Nini everyone! (cozy)
Carli Imako
13 years ago 1
RL work..... blah! Miss you already mine Janey (cozy)
Carli Imako
13 years ago 5
goodnight stars, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere! (cozy)
Carli Imako
13 years ago
I'm considering changing my desktop since I've been seeing it so much lately :/
Carli Imako
13 years ago 10
awww, guess I rolled my eyes one too many times..... someone removed me (LOL)
Carli Imako
13 years ago 1
I think mine eyes are about to stick this way ------> (eyeroll)