46Friends 20Fans
male Exiled, Caledon, Second life
I am Morty Watson (aka Blackhawk Sikorsky in SL). Aethertic navigator, exile, explorer, rescuer of damsels in distress. I become more complex as the quest continues. Follow me and the mystery as it unwinds in The Quest for the Golden Prim
8 years ago
I know this looks like clickbait but it is a great story. Parents Are Shocked When Son Runs Into Room With Shocking News. W...
9 years ago 5
Happy birthday and congratulations on the start of a new year NeedleNerd. A fantastic woman, mother, wife, nerd, and so much more. I am looking forward to this year to see the adventures we will explore. ILD
9 years ago 2
This kid wins. At least he actually did some work and was doing it for free unlike that Food Feeb with her GMOS and "deadly chemicals". Teen arrested after allegedly posing as a gynecologist, giving ex...