10Friends 13Fans
female Sedro Woolley, WA, United States
I like Diet Coke and new wave music.

I transferred from UW and am majoring in English. I plan to do graduate work in family and marriage counseling.

After that I'm going to accomplish my American dream.
Morgen hates
16 years ago 1
techfuckinology. It just failed me!
16 years ago
commences interminable final preparation.
Morgen says
16 years ago 1
who needs nants when you've got TIMBALAND?!Chris Cornell Part of Me Official HD Video
Morgen says
16 years ago 7
there is something in my house.
Morgen says
16 years ago
they're gonna stop having the sun, so you better get tan, I predict.
Morgen says
16 years ago
they're gonna stop Saturday night, so you better have fun, I predict.
Morgen says
16 years ago
they're gonna find the queen is a man but they really don't care, I predict.
Morgen says
16 years ago
you're gonna eat a bowl of chow mein and be hungry real soon, I predict.
Morgen says
16 years ago
you're gonna take a walk in the rain and you're gonna get wet, I predict.
Morgen is
16 years ago
sad Postsingular is over. No more bedtime stories with Little Helpers, Tonys, newt boys, or Chu's knot? :-(