decided to take a bit of trip, he needed to get away for a bit.
dressed up and handing out candy to little kids.
if Sweden is feeling any less grumpy.
outside playing with Hanatamango in the leaves.
went to visit Berwald again, this time he'd called ahead and left a voice mail telling him as much. On his way though he got a little side
brought Berwald some brownies, he had felt like baking.
mildly stressed out over work, Hana was getting anncy and needed a walk but he didn't have to take her for one.
woke up the next morning, still sitting on the side of the road, shivering and in pain. He frowned a bit as he remembered why he was here.
went to visit Sweden, he'd found some old crutches he was using.
[Event 1: 1200ish] sat outside playing with a pile of sticks and slowly making something out of them.