21Friends 2Fans
male Northridge, CA, United States
....yeah so I have a One of These, now.
9 years ago 5
karaokeKARAOKE you guys
9 years ago 17
Hello Plurk, I am returned from Vacation with Chris.
9 years ago 21
AAAAAA it's finally the day that Chris arrives.
Monotreme101 shares
9 years ago 20

Me and my best buddy hanging out by the pool after work. He just will not sit still for pictures but Mistie managed to snap this one without it being TOO blurry.
9 years ago 20
Man. I just have Zero (0) interest in going to work today.
9 years ago 15
Uuurrrrgh - and thus starts my 8 day work week prior to Chris visiting.
9 years ago 2
Knuckles Gets It Started In Here (Triple-Q's Retarde... Pffffft haha, this is actually pretty great.
9 years ago 45
I've been wanting Joel to get a dog for a while now. And while Vidja-ing today, I think I found the perfect one.
9 years ago 19
Shippy Sunday. Bonus Hard Mode: Two of our characters that would NEVER work and WHY.
9 years ago 21
[RL] So, my best friend from home, his Wife cheated on him for 5 months with a guy who's also married. They have two kids together, are trying to be friends despite the fact that she's screwed him royally