85Friends 32Fans
Fresno, CA, United States
I am me.
5 months ago 5
Asking for help. I'm behind on PG&E because my bills outweigh my income and I haven't been able to drive for Uber because of my health. Postiing my paypal. So if you can help THANK YOU. If you can't don't stress or worry. I've been blessed to have help this far and I'm very grateful!

PayPal: [email protected]
5 months ago 4
I have a lot to say or rant about or something but I keep finding myself stopping. It seems I only ever share bad things here and I hate that my life has changed so much that I don’t get to do or enjoy anything I used to. I feel far away even though I open Plurk nearly every day and read up on everyone here.
5 months ago
I may need to throw up another gofundme. I'm not going to make it to next payday and I'm trying to get mom's car fixed so kid can use it for work. I just hate having to keep doing this. I feel like in in quick sand. The more I try to get out the faster I sink.
5 months ago 5
I don't feel well. 😕
5 months ago 9
I’m almost fifty years old and I still grin like an idiot and giggle whenever I see the number 69. My iPad’s battery is at 69% and all I can think is 69 DUDE!!!!
5 months ago 3
The most delightful thing to witness in the cool morning is a honeybee soaking up the warmth of the sun while giving itself a bath. Face, legs, belly, everything.
6 months ago 22 @Edit 6 months ago
Spent my morning in the cool sunshine repotting my baby bell peppers and attempting tomato starters. Had more bell pepper seeds I'd collected so planted those for more starters. Discovered two flower plants we had tossed into the plant trash pile last summer didn't want to die so they clung to life and are growing this spring. Defiant little fuckers.
6 months ago 1
Rewatched Dune and then went to see Dune 2.


just hands over all the awards now