Miss ShiHui
8Friends 5Fans
If you do not know me, please do not any comment about me
Miss ShiHui is
14 years ago 14
currently, listening to songs
Miss ShiHui is
14 years ago
having fun at Mr Ng's lan
Miss ShiHui is
14 years ago
currently at Mr Ng's lan n is going to stay overnight
Miss ShiHui wonders
14 years ago 4
why pig head always bully pig face?
Miss ShiHui says
14 years ago
that she is playing with ying hua together with cheryl
Miss ShiHui says
14 years ago
that there is a lot of laughter at sixth aunt hse
Miss ShiHui says
14 years ago
that 6th aunt gave me, cheryl, jolene and benedict chocolates secretly haha
Miss ShiHui
14 years ago
received many presents and lastly, hong baos
Miss ShiHui feels
14 years ago
very happy becoz, today is her bdae
Miss ShiHui feels
14 years ago