Croaw_77 Karma: 13.03
not stating / other
- Dortmund, Germany
令曰蝴蝶滿胃 Karma: 113.13
not stating / other
- 昨日月台
黑堡鄉民ᕕ( ᐛ ) ᕗ伊阿 Karma: 97.85
not stating / other
- The Sea of Sand, Remember What I Am.
暮小紫➽⛓️🌧️🍎🍯 Karma: 101.00
- 精神海, 糟糕二次元, Taiwan
網癮M-ROUND6 Karma: 117.54
not stating / other
- 有插座和WIFI的舒適地, Taiwan
W-V☆ 阿五 Karma: 146.31
- Taichung, Taiwan