115Friends 58Fans
male NJ, United States
The name is Micheal Cooper. I live in New Jersey and I love it. Im a vegetarian and I love to help people when it comes to being veg. So got any questions? I'll answer them ;D
Go veg!
Lets talk.
Oh and add my myspace:
MikeyyCooper is
15 years ago 10
awake :-))
MikeyyCooper says
15 years ago 4
plurk it out, plurk it out (dance)
MikeyyCooper says
15 years ago 3
hunny im home!!
MikeyyCooper is
15 years ago 1
going to madisons, ill be home later tonight then we will plurk it up :-D
MikeyyCooper is
15 years ago 7
gonna catch some z's
MikeyyCooper says
15 years ago 8
you are some cool kids :-D
MikeyyCooper likes
15 years ago 5
smilies (lmao)
MikeyyCooper asks
15 years ago 13
only understand what squirrels say or only squirrels understand what you say??
MikeyyCooper asks
15 years ago 1
man-eating grapes or man, eating grapes?
MikeyyCooper wonders
15 years ago 13
if you missed me?? its my 200th plurk haha (woot)