170Friends 26Fans
female Orito, Japan
Please view my blog at
B-londekiss.blogspot.com ! :-D
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
ok i feel like a bitch now.
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
the same text, I've send it to 3 person. It's really long but I really mean it. So please don't mind.
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
kkkkkkkkkkkk, I'm irritating. Bye.
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
what are those? Tears of heartbreak.
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
I don't have to say I'm alright, because no one will believe my shit.
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
it's just... I'm having this fucked up feeling within me and probably it keeps telling me I'm right I'm right I'm right even when I'm wrong.
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
it's really hard to believe I actually give in so much to someone who don't even give a shit. No, we're not quarreling I swear.
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
okay, I know I'm spamming here. Block me all you want. I've no one to talk to and I just want to be alone. So fuck off and block me.
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
only 27 days and I already can't take it anymore. Tell me how am I gonna survive for another 338 days?
♥MRS.WONG says
13 years ago
I want 2012 to come as soon as possible. I hate 2011. It sucks.