In A Nutshell
72Friends 3Fans
male Whately, MA, United States
Red Savarin @ Places
Chesnaught @ Elsewhere
And other stuff
Lots of pen-and-paper too
(But I could use more nowadays)
In A Nutshell
4 months ago 1
[Helldivers 2] Surviving your first Difficulty 9 campaign. Ft. Zicak , with shout outs to the 404th
In A Nutshell
4 months ago 18 Working while out on the porch. I'm three feet from a weeping cherry tree in the front garden and it's swarming with bees and wasps.
In A Nutshell
5 months ago 17
[Meme] And here's my quiz. Let's see how well you all know me!
In A Nutshell
5 months ago 8
Augh. Slept like garbage, struggled for a half hour to get into the virtual machine at work, and I still have a headache. Good morning, everyone.
In A Nutshell
5 months ago 6
On the plus side, working out on the porch today and I'm seeing a couple paper wasps flying past. I am 100% unironically and sincerely happy to see them starting to set up this year.
In A Nutshell
5 months ago 7
<--- Formerly "Happy Nut Year", You know who it is, the one person who actually loves Chesnaught.

Anyway, morning, Plurk, happy day of celestial omens for those in the area to bear witness
In A Nutshell
5 months ago 4
And after spending much of the winter without snow, we finally get a few inches. Today. arglblarghlglh. Better late than never but sheeeesh anyway g'morning
In A Nutshell
5 months ago 3
G'morning Plurk, it me. Another work day. Nothing new or interesting my GOD is it Saturday yet
In A Nutshell
5 months ago 17
the perils of having an OC you love that happens to fit a really strange niche.
In A Nutshell
5 months ago 20
Yyyyyyyo plurk how's it going, yes I know it's been a while, I really should be more social shouldn't I.