44Friends 30Fans
male Manila, Philippines
I am A-R-TIST at heart

To Move on Happy, Let Go of something Sad
MerrickJaeKang says
15 years ago 4
My fighting spirit has been shattered and the belief's have been torned apart by feelings of regret
MerrickJaeKang is
15 years ago 5
Done with this bullshit (angry)
MerrickJaeKang hates
15 years ago
to realize facts, but I had no choice but accept it bitterly :-(
MerrickJaeKang says
15 years ago 3
I feel empty, no emotion, no joy only the bitter taste of heartbreak and defeat (brokenheart)
MerrickJaeKang says
15 years ago 2
to move on Happy, Let Go of something Sad....But letting Go of something precious is not the way
MerrickJaeKang has
15 years ago 1
to be happy always regardless of the scars in my heart (brokenheart)
MerrickJaeKang thinks
15 years ago
it wasn't foolish courage that keeps me going, but my will to succeed keeps me going (gym)
MerrickJaeKang says
15 years ago
L8ter (wave)
MerrickJaeKang says
15 years ago
gudaftie (highfive)
MerrickJaeKang is
15 years ago
doing alot of research in Economics....ang dami amp