35Friends 14Fans
Bi / 80HD / F'kin / Chaotic Neutral

Introduction Post
My luck is TERRIBLE. I ALWAYS pause when SOMEONE is tied up and it does not look good when people randomly walk in my room
What's the point of Ponytown? The ponies are fun to make but is it just a social game????
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
"Do you roleplay with other people?" Is a very scary question to get on a Tumblr account where you're not sure if you stated you do not to the kinky roleplay and only the nerdy, geeky kind.

"Do you roleplay with other peopl" is a scary question to get on Tumblr. Girl I thought you were a sex-bot for a second.
Some games I've seen made me question how they're legal. Like that one game about incest
Can someone play Roblox horror games with me, I'm lonely. I'll let you choose
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Every time I say beware, I lose a life
Anyone wanna call after I get off this one call???/selective
Release him?? I didn't know I had him caged up, I'm so confused
Help I just got a bot request(?) and it roughly(?) translates to "Release Obito's bot, thanks"