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male Hants, Great Britain (UK)
MEJJI® is a Stylish new logic puzzle needing you to fill a grid with numbers or symbols, ensuring there are two of each item only, per diagonal, row and column. Big items represent four smaller versions of the same item.
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago
Sure, anyone can solve a Sudoku puzzle. But can u solve a MEJJI puzzle? Play MEJJI and keep your brain fit and Sharp
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago 1
Sure, anyone can solve a sudoku puzzle, but can you solve Mejji? Become a Puzzle master:
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago 1
MEJJI puzzle is the perfect combination of logic and aesthetic sense, play it and find how it is different from rest of the puzzles.
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago 1
Keep your mind active and alert, play puzzles and keep your mind healthy and active for long run.
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago 2
Mejji Puzzles are the best puzzles that force you to think outside of the box.Puzzles are good brain teaser.Get some
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago
Solving Sudoku, jigsaw and MEJJI puzzles are good way to spend free time. Puzzles are good brain teaser.
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago
The world of puzzles is full of options, try new MEJJI suits; this exciting puzzle will surely impress the players.
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago
MEJJI offer a wonderful way to improve your memory and mental this wonderful puzzle for fun and
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago 1
MEJJI music puzzle or “The clever musical” puzzle has made the world of puzzle not only exciting but entertaining as well.
MejjiPuzzles says
13 years ago
The Stylish Puzzle that Challenges your Left and Right Brain..... visit