been coughing nonstop all day. Her head is pounding in pain from all of it. ;; J;;
Ludwig, Gilbert and Maria a merry and happy birthday! ^ J^ Pozdravlayu s dnem rozhdeniya!
playing out in the snow, building snowman.
cooking herself some home cooked meal.
decides to set sail. Her hands and feet were just itching for an adventure in sea.
practices her fighting stances with her sword and shovel simultaneously. Might as well do something, right?
sits by the beach, staring out to the sea. She wants to sail out so bad.
drinking out with the other drunkards. She feels upset right now and needs something to cheer her up.
buying different kinds of flowers at the florist shop.
looks around town, trying to find that sweet bun Raivis was talking about. It sounded good and interesting.